Marijuana Addiction Effects, Withdrawal, Treatment

marijuana addiction

Or a drug can cause no withdrawal at all, as in the case of cocaine, but still pose a high likelihood that a person will develop an addiction when using it. Deciding to receive treatment for marijuana addiction can be tough especially when some feel it is unnecessary. However, many people who want to get over an addiction can’t do it alone. The most important thing to remember is that you can beat this addiction. Contact a treatment provider today to discuss rehab-related options.

marijuana addiction

Cannabis and Public Health

marijuana addiction

THC can cause changes to the brain that impact the structure and ability to function, including learning, memory, cognitive ability, and behavior—including future substance use. This is an increased concern for younger people exposed to THC, including babies during pregnancy. One of the biggest risk factors of marijuana addiction may be age. People are up to seven times as likely to experience marijuana use disorder when they start using before the age of 18. Additionally, men are twice as likely as women to experience marijuana use disorder. Researchers have identified several gene variants that can increase the risk of developing cannabis dependence or cannabis addiction.

Symptoms of Cannabis Use Disorder

What begins as casual use slowly morphs into a crutch, a way to cope with life’s stresses and challenges. Users may find themselves needing more to achieve the same effect, a phenomenon known as tolerance. This escalation can be so subtle marijuana addiction that many don’t recognize the signs of addiction until they’re firmly in its grasp. The journey from recreational use to addiction is a path many find themselves on, often without realizing the subtle shifts that occur along the way.

What are some negative consequences of cannabis use disorder?

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you do make a mistake and smoke again. Research has found that it usually takes people a few tries before they are successful. By Buddy TBuddy T is a writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Because he is a member of a support group that stresses the importance of anonymity at the public level, he does not use his photograph or his real name on this website. By Toketemu OhwovorioleToketemu has been multimedia storyteller for the last four years. Her expertise focuses primarily on mental wellness and women’s health topics.

marijuana addiction

Support for Me and My Family

marijuana addiction

There are many support groups available to those who wish to kick their habit. Marijuana Anonymous (MA) is the most substance-specific support group for this addiction. This group is modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), including a 12-step program to work through the addiction. Because many communities do not offer MA, many seeking support in their recovery will find Narcotics Anonymous (NA) to be a more accessible option. Get professional help from an online addiction and mental health counselor from BetterHelp.


Diagnosis of Cannabis Use Disorder

  • They remind us of our shared humanity, the resilience of the human spirit, and the possibility of transformation even in the darkest of times.
  • In other cases, you’ll need to explore healthy coping mechanisms to help you manage your urges.
  • If you think you’re addicted to marijuana, getting an early diagnosis can help with treatment and prevent the risk of chronic conditions like schizophrenia.
  • Despite the risks, studies of medicinal marijuana use have shown effectiveness.

Addiction Baits: Understanding the Triggers and Traps of Substance Abuse

marijuana addiction

  • In 2012, the THC concentration in marijuana samples confiscated by law enforcement averaged near 15 percent, compared with an average concentration of  four percent in the 1980s.
  • Another way of ingesting the drug is to mix the plant’s leaves, flowers, stems or seeds into food or to brew the leaves as a tea.
  • Many recovering addicts report a sense of renewed energy and clarity, allowing them to pursue interests and ambitions that had been neglected during their years of use.
  • For Sarah, it was the realization that she couldn’t enjoy social gatherings or even simple activities without being high that finally forced her to confront her addiction.
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